APOTRANS Static Transfer Switch 25A up to 1600A

APOTRANS Static Transfer Switch 25A up to 1600A

All around the globe complex electrical and electronic processes, information technology and automation, govern our manufacturing, service industries, data management and communications.

In today’s fast-moving world, Piller continues to develop new and innovative solutions to meet the challenge. As the requirement for resilient and redundant power supplies is growing, the Piller APOTRANS represents the latest evolution of redundancy.

The APOTRANS static transfer switch is suitable for both new and existing power distribution systems. By either retrofitting APOTRANS into an existing system or designing a new system, the Piller APOTRANS supports critical loads by automatically switching to an alternative power source should the preferred source become out of tolerance or fail completely. The changeover occurs within milliseconds ensuring that the load is supplied with continuous power.

The APOTRANS Principle

  • Thyristor-based static transfer switch
  • Very fast transfer
  • Rugged and highly reliable SCR technology
  • Bypass and isolation switches
  • Internal redundancy

Piller's Static Transfer Switch

Wide Range of Possibilities

Isolated Redundant or Distributed Redundant Configuration

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  • APOTRANS Brochure

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