Piller is Europe’s leading producer of UPS systems, safeguarding data centres, and other mission-critical applications.
The Company also provides independent power solutions and ground power systems for airports and electrical systems for naval vessels.
Employing around 1000 people worldwide, Piller is headquartered in Osterode, near Hanover, Germany, with subsidiaries across Europe, the Americas and Australasia.
Our state-of-the-art manufacturing, R&D, assembly and testing facilities in Offenbach spans 14 hectares with over 50,000m2 of cutting-edge workspace
Acquired by Langley in 2004, Piller is headquartered in Osterode am Harz, near Hanover, in Germany. In 2016 Piller acquired Active Power, the Texas-based flywheel UPS specialist.

比尔豪森工厂建于 2001 年,拥有最先进的设备,用于组装和测试 Piller 著名的大容量柴油 UNIBLOCK™ 旋转系列产品;该工厂于 2009 年进行了扩建,大大增加了组装区域,并增加了能够测试高达 3000kVA 系统的测试台,使比尔斯豪森成为同类产品中最现代化的工厂。

Piller Group Overview