Piller CPM technology assists Microsoft towards its Sustainability commitment
In January 2020 Microsoft made a global commitment to becoming carbon negative by 2030, and accounting for all of its historical carbon emissions by 2050.
For one of the world giants of hyperscale data centres and operator of one of the world’s largest cloud software businesses, it is a huge undertaking.
As well changing how it operates at a macro scale Microsoft’s move to long term sustainable operations and being greenhouse gas emission negative will also involve how it uses energy in every office and facility around the world.
Recently, Microsoft posted how its office in Cosmo (Vigyan, Lavelle Road, Bengaluru, India) “replaced its UPS (Uninterruptible Power Source) backup from a chemical battery to a sustainable mechanical energy storage system in January 2021 – the system runs on an electrically charged flywheel with sufficient kinetic energy capacity to transition to stand-by diesel generators during raw power failures.”
The system chosen was the Piller Critical Power Module (CPM) module which houses its own energy storage with sufficient guaranteed capacity for delayed transition to standby generators. Capable of operating in up to four different modes, the CPM affords the perfect balance between required levels of protection and electrical efficiency.
The CPM concept brings together a highly efficient and reliable energy store with a multi-mode uninterruptible power system. There are two principle modes of operation providing real power protection and the unit can operate with exceptional efficiency that is above 96% at 25% load and approaching 99% at full load.
By integrating the energy store and utilising innovative cooling techniques, the CPM benefits from wide environmental operating characteristics that allow the elimination of air conditioning used in conventional battery systems.
As companies such as Microsoft change business operations to stop producing carbon and work to reverse and remove carbon emissions, the power infrastructure deployed throughout its offices and across its data centres will have a positive measurable impact on reaching its sustainability goals.
Piller is honoured that its technology is part of the journey.